A true Sheffielder!

Created by William George Tyson 2 years ago

I first met Peter about five years ago when I was his designated driver to the Young@Heart - the club run for "Senior Citizens" - at All Saints' Church.

Immediately we discovered that we had summat in common:- we was both brung up in Sheffield, although he more than two decades afore I were.  I was impressed by his continuing fondness for his home city and how determined he still was to keep its beauty - especially the trees that lined many of its streets -, partly by writing to the City Council.

Additionally I was aware of his fondness for his family and the various areas in which they had achieved success.

I miss his hospitality.  I miss our conversations.  I hope that we will be able to resume them in Heaven.

George Tyson.

"A Sheffielder can find a place in Heaven, through the Lord's good grace.

We look to Peter in the sky - and pray we'll join him when we die."